Plot Summary: This new TV special tells the two years of Luffy's training with Silvers Rayleigh in Rusukaina Island after the Battle of Marineford, which has never been told in the manga or TV anime. It also features a new villain named Burndy World who is known as "The Destroyer of the World" and has the power of the MoaMoa Fruit (its ability is still unknown). Luffy has to protect Boa Hancock from the new enemy who escaped from the level 6 of Impel Down. He is newly designed by the original creator of the manga, Eiichiro Oda.
Kendall and Kylie v2.1.0 MOD
Join KENDALL and KYLIE JENNER as the up-and-coming star of a big new adventure... choose your own path – the story is yours!
Demong Hunter v1.4.8 MOD
Demong hunter is a single play action fantasy game.
Focused on the Hitting, shooting, and controlling, Does not support the auto-play.
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Moving action Super brawl RPG "Guardian Hunter" open! It's A.L.I.V.E!
Hunt all the monsters in Bellia and turn them into my 'Guardians'!
Explore Bellia with charming guardians in a lively action adventure!
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